Health of your nails, how to keep them strong and resistant
Besides nutrition, there are other aspects not to be neglected for healthy nails. Here they are!

· A complete manicure every week will help you to make your hands and nails neater and more beautiful, as well as healthier.
· The nail polish usually offers protection from external elements, but we recommend to regularly leave your nails au naturel, rubbing them only with olive oil until it is fully penetrated.
· In order to strengthen and clean your nails, another excellent remedy would be smearing them with lemon juice.
· Take the good habit of using rubber gloves during housework, especially those with an internal cotton coating.
It’s very important to use a good specific oil for cuticles: it’s perfect for a super-fast manicure. If you don’t have enough time, but your hands are not so "presentable", you can swipe this product to have, even in a few minutes, a neat appearance.
According to oriental medicine, fingernails’ health is the indicator of our energy level: fragile nails that break easily correspond with a deep body drop. How can we "read" our nails looking for symptoms of a more complex disease condition? Little white spots: if they appear, this may reveal a calcium and silicon deficiency in your body. Nail bed: if the typical white lunulae on the nail bed disappear or change means that we are experiencing a particularly stressful period.
Convex nails: if they have a slightly raised backside and a dark background, probably, this could mean respiratory and heart diseases. Pale, concave nails: the so-called "spoon" shape is found in people who suffer from anaemia.