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All the secrets of nails

Every woman’s dream is to have well-manicured and always perfect hands and useful tips are welcome, especially if they’re for free. Here are a few!

All the secrets of nails All the secrets of nails

Did you know, for example, that you could add a drop of moisturizer to acetone, to prevent your nails from "drying up"?

The excessive presence of alcohol in certain solvents, in fact, weakens the nail and the moisturizing cream helps to prevent this from happening. Moreover a wipe of acetone is also recommended for anyone who doesn’t use nail polish because it removes the oily surface that appears naturally on our nails. Are you one of those who believe tha nails breathe? Has your beautician ever told you that between one enhancement and the other it would be good to wait some time to allow nails to breathe? That’s wrong: nails, as well as hair, are made of a fibrous protein called keratin and are "dead" bodies. In fact, when cutting them, we do not feel pain.

Also, it is advisable to use a good scrub for hands that helps to eliminate dead cells: those who don’t have it and need it, can “create it” adding salt to your usual hand cream and massage for five minutes. In order to remove cuticles it would be opportune to keep your fingers in warm water for a few minutes: once the skin is softened, it will be easier to do this task that would otherwise be unpleasant, especially if done rarely.

Hand model of the year

Best model of the year: Amy Kane
Amy Kane

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